Sunday, August 10, 2008


Ok, this past week, I've been obsessing about Criss Angel.  

I don't know how it started, or why it started, but I just think he's awsome!!! I've tried lots of different magic tricks, but my best tricks are my object levitation, my disappearing card/toothpick trick, and my lipstick trick :) I'm going to get a book/video that tells me how to levitate myself up to 2 feet in the air!!! I can't wait!!!

Anyway, I've been watching Criss Angel's show on the internet.  I've even taped 3 on my t.v.
His shows are called: Criss Angel - Mindfreak and, oh my gosh, he is AMAZING!!! I believe they're on Wednesdays and Fridays, in case you're interested. 

This September, in Las Vegas, Criss is performing a show called: Criss Angel - Believe.  I SOOOOOOOOOOO want to go :)
This is me doing my object levitation trick. I am levitating a crumpled piece of paper :)           Here are some random pictures of Criss Angel. Also, here is a video of Criss levitating from building to building!!!  Watch it!!!


Kim said...

You are beginning to be quite the magician. I like the disappearing card/toothpick trick the best.

Keep working at it and you'll be famous one day.

Kim said...

Um, I think it's on Sundays and Wednesdays, not Fridays. Sorry


LauraB said...

I am SO wanting to see all your tricks - when's the next show??

Kim said...

The next show is when I get my book/movie on how to levitate 2 feet in the air. I'll ferform it to every one after Christmas, that's when I'm getting it. ( 5 bucks to get in ... jk


Karen Lambson said...
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Karen Lambson said...


You are an awesome magician!!