Sunday, August 10, 2008


Um, sorry, do to technical difficulties, the Criss Angel video did not come up.  I'll try again later.


Ok, this past week, I've been obsessing about Criss Angel.  

I don't know how it started, or why it started, but I just think he's awsome!!! I've tried lots of different magic tricks, but my best tricks are my object levitation, my disappearing card/toothpick trick, and my lipstick trick :) I'm going to get a book/video that tells me how to levitate myself up to 2 feet in the air!!! I can't wait!!!

Anyway, I've been watching Criss Angel's show on the internet.  I've even taped 3 on my t.v.
His shows are called: Criss Angel - Mindfreak and, oh my gosh, he is AMAZING!!! I believe they're on Wednesdays and Fridays, in case you're interested. 

This September, in Las Vegas, Criss is performing a show called: Criss Angel - Believe.  I SOOOOOOOOOOO want to go :)
This is me doing my object levitation trick. I am levitating a crumpled piece of paper :)           Here are some random pictures of Criss Angel. Also, here is a video of Criss levitating from building to building!!!  Watch it!!!