Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Watch it. You won't be sorry. My favorite show. Addicting. NBC-channel 12. Every Thursday night. 7:00 p.m. Hilarious. Watch it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New phone

So Monday I got a phone, you know, a Motorola TracFone, and I am LOVING it! I swear, something about phones is so addicting. It was $29.99 plus tax, so it was pretty cheap, good quality, with a GREAT deal! About $20.00 a month, well it's a go-phone so you can pay whenever you want. For my phone, it's the only phone that if you pay $20.00 for 60 minutes, it doubles so you pay $20.00 for 120 minutes! anyway, I am now out of minutes, it only came with 10 min. 

I highly recommend this phone.

So, I need $20.00 so if you didn't read it, check out my last post!

Thanks by!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Ok, so I'm trying to earn extra money, about 26 big ones (dollars).  So I'm just posting that I'm washing cars for anyone for $5, baking cookies for anyone, selling candy for $0.50, and doing a bake sale on Sat. the 21st. If anyone is interested, just leave me a comment!

thanks for your time, 


p.s. if you want cookies, contact me and I will tell you the price.

Monday, October 26, 2009

No one can replace...

Shadow. He passed away a few months ago from stupid cancer. :(

But you might be surprised to know we have a new cat (kind of).  You know how we've always had cats outside our house (check my mom's blog), well, when I got home from a camp out for church, there was a new kitty by our door, by the water bowl we leave out. It was empty, so I raced and got some water. When I came back, he was crawling all over my dad. Later we brought some food out and he ate it so fast, we could hardly believe that within about two minutes, the used-to-be full bowl was EMPTY!!!
The next morning (sunday) we finally let him into the house, and guess what, he hissed at tiger.
Well, it's been about two days now, and they seem to be alright. The cat comes into our house whenever he wants. He usually eats, drinks, and has my mom pet him, then leaves. There you have it. He is an outside cat.

oh ya, he LOVES my dad, so we let him name the cat. He named him bob as in bobcat. that name was going to be Shadow's name, but I got to pick his name, not my dad.
Well, pictures of bob the cat will be coming as soon as possible. He is really light gray with bright yellow eyes, a small little body with a wild imagination! Yesterday, we saw him wrestling a pine cone, it was ADORABLE!!! anyway, pictures will be up soon!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009


  Okay, so I have a band by the name of Lullaby, and I NEED a guitarist!!!  Really, I'm putting my faith in your hands, so PLEASE don't let me down.  I mean, I already have a song written and I need people.  If you know anyone cool who can play guitar, or is interested in playing, I can teach them the basics.    


Oh, and it would be nice to have a bass player too.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day!!!

Ok, I am so so so so SO sorry I haven't blogged in like, FOREVER. I promise that I will blog about the three months I haven't blogged about, like CHRISTMASS!!!, but I'm afraid I'll lose you guys if I don't blog soon ( what the heck, I probably have already lost you ).  Anyway, I woke Up yesterday, and my room was HEART-ATTACKED.   For those of you that don't know, HEART - ATTACKED is when your room is full of cut- out paper hearts and like, 15 red heart balloons. After that, I waited in the hallway for my mom and dad to get ready, then I followed the trail of paper hearts leading to the couch.  And upon the couch was the loot!!!  I got a bunch of Dove chocolate hearts, a bear dressed as a bee ( I named him Bee-Bee ), a big heart box with mouth-watering delectable hearts filled with a creamy chocolate center, an AWESOME Slash poster ( an awesome guitar player ) and an awesome green goblin toy ( from the T.V. show ). Those were from my mom.  From my dad, I got a ticket to the Viva La Vida Coldplay concert in July playing in San-Diego I believe!!! All in all, a GREAT VALENTINES DAY!!!  THANK YOU PARENTS!!!