Mon- Monday was my cousin Alex's baseball game. At the game, I got a lime shaved ice. It was Delicious!
Tues- Tuesday was just like any other day. I went to school, did homework, and went to grandma's. Whoopdedoo.
Thurs - Thursday, It rained A LOT! I was so happy. My mom and I went for a walk in the rain. We went almost all the way to Kohl's and back.
Fri - Friday, we played outside a lot. I even got to ride Dallin's bike. I also got to play with Josh. He is so cute. That night, Dallin spent the night at my house. We got Sobe's, played PS3, and went on the computer. Dallin updated his blog. You should check it out.
Sat - Saturday, Mom took Mikey, Nate, Jacob, Dallin and I to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. IT ROCKED!!! Afterwards, Dallin and I went to play at Grandma's. Alex, Michael, and I went swimming. It was cold.
This is a picture of my friends and I by Wall-e.
Sun - Sunday, we are all sick. It is suckish. It was also really boring. I'll be blogging again next Sunday, peace out!